The Ultimate Guide to Beard Balm: What It Is and How to Use It

The Ultimate Guide to Beard Balm: What It Is and How to Use It

If you’re sporting a beard, it’s essential to keep it well-groomed and healthy. One product that has become increasingly popular in the world of beard care is beard balm. This versatile grooming product helps nourish, style, and maintain your facial hair. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into everything you need to know about balm, from understanding its basics and ingredients to comparing it with other beard products, learning how to use it, and exploring its numerous benefits.

Beard Balm Basics

What is Beard Balm?

Balm is a grooming product specifically designed for beards. It is typically made from a blend of natural ingredients such as beeswax, shea butter, cocoa butter, carrier oils, and essential oils. These ingredients work together to condition, soften, and style your beard, providing a light hold that helps manage flyaways and shape your facial hair.

What Does Beard Balm Do?

Balm serves multiple purposes in your beard care routine. It not only softens and conditions your facial hair but also reduces itchiness and flakiness commonly associated with beard growth. Furthermore, balm adds shine and luster to your facial hair while providing a light hold for styling and shaping. This makes balm an excellent all-in-one product for maintaining healthy and well-groomed facial hair.

Beard Balm Use

When to use beard balm:

Balm is most effective when used regularly in your grooming routine. It’s especially helpful for those with longer beards or coarse facial hair that can become unruly without proper care. Using balm after washing your facial hair or when it’s dry ensures that your facial hair stays moisturized and manageable throughout the day.

When to apply facial hair balm:

Balm should be applied once a day, preferably as part of your morning grooming routine. This will help keep your beard looking great all day long.

Beard Balm Ingredients:

Common ingredients found in facial hair balm include beeswax, shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, jojoba oil, and essential oils. Beeswax provides hold and helps lock in moisture, while shea butter and cocoa butter nourish and condition your beard. Carrier oils like coconut oil and jojoba oil penetrate and moisturize the hair shaft, while essential oils add fragrance and additional benefits depending on the specific oil used.

How To Choose The Right Beard Balm For You:

When choosing a balm, look for products with natural ingredients and avoid those containing harsh chemicals or synthetic additives. Consider your beard type and the specific concerns you wish to address, such as dryness, itchiness, or lack of shine. Experiment with different balms to find the one that works best for your unique beard.

Best beard balm:

Our top picks for the best facial hair balms on the market include Honest Amish Beard Balm, Smooth Viking Beard Balm, and ArtNaturals Beard Balm. These balms are made with high-quality, natural ingredients and have garnered positive reviews from beard enthusiasts.

Beard Balm vs Other Beard Products

Beard balm vs oil:

Both balm and beard oil are designed to moisturize and nourish your facial hair and the skin beneath it. However, there are some key differences between the two products. Beard oil is primarily used to provide moisture and softness, while balm offers additional styling benefits due to its wax content. Balm provides a light hold, making it an excellent choice if you need more control over your beard’s shape and style.

When to use beard oil and balm together:

If you want to maximize the benefits of both products, you can use facial hair oil and balm together. Apply the oil first to moisturize and soften your facial hair, then follow up with the balm to provide hold and help style your facial hair.

Beard balm vs beard butter:

Beard butter is similar to balm in that it helps soften and condition your facial hair. However, beard butter typically has a creamier consistency and focuses more on hydration and conditioning rather than providing hold. Beard butter is an excellent option for those with drier or longer beards that require more intense moisturization.

When to use beard butter instead of balm:

If your facial hair is particularly dry or you’re not concerned about shaping and styling, consider using facial hair butter instead of balm. It will provide the nourishment and hydration your beard needs without the added hold.

Beard balm vs pomade:

Pomade is a hair product typically used to provide hold and shine for various hairstyles. While some men may use hair pomade on their beards, it’s not specifically designed for facial hair and can be more drying than balm, potentially leading to flakiness or irritation.

When to use facial hair pomade vs balm:

If you need a stronger hold for your beard, you might consider using beard pomade. However, be aware of its potential drying effects and opt for a pomade formulated for beards if possible.

How to Use Beard Balm

Step-by-step guide to applying balm:

  1. Start with a clean, dry beard. Washing your beard beforehand ensures that it’s free from dirt and excess oils.
  2. Scoop a small amount of balm onto your fingertips. A pea-sized amount is usually sufficient for most beards.
  3. Rub your hands together to warm up the balm, making it easier to apply and distribute evenly.
  4. Apply the balm to your facial hair, working it in thoroughly from root to tip. Be sure to massage it into the skin beneath your beard as well.
  5. Use a facial hair comb or brush to evenly distribute the balm and shape your facial hair as desired.

DIY Beard Balm:

If you prefer a more personalized approach, you can create your own balm at home with just a few ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup shea butter
  • 1/4 cup beeswax
  • 1/4 cup jojoba oil
  • 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil (optional)

Melt the shea butter and beeswax in a double boiler, then stir in the jojoba oil and essential oil. Pour the mixture into a tin or jar and let it cool until it solidifies. This DIY balm recipe allows you to customize the scent and consistency to your preferences.

Beard Balm Benefits

Benefits of using balm for facial hair:

  1. Softens and moisturizes facial hair: Balm is packed with nourishing ingredients that help soften and moisturize your facial hair, making it more manageable and comfortable to wear.
  2. Reduces facial hair itch and flakiness: The moisturizing properties of balm help alleviate itchiness and flakiness that can result from dry skin beneath your facial hair.
  3. Adds shine and luster to your beard: Since it helps give your facial hair a healthy, well-groomed appearance.


In conclusion, balm is an essential part of any good facial hair care routine. Its versatile benefits make it a must-have product for those looking to maintain a healthy, well-groomed beard. Use this guide to choose the right balm for your needs and enjoy the difference it can make in your daily grooming regimen. Give balm a try and experience the benefits for yourself!


What does a beard balm do?

Balm is a styling and conditioning product that helps shape, nourish, and protect facial hair. It’s made with natural ingredients like beeswax, shea butter, and essential oils that provide moisture to the beard while also helping to tame unruly hairs. The balm can be used as a leave-in conditioner or as a styling product to help shape and define the beard.

Does beard balm actually work?

Yes, balm does work! It helps to keep your facial hair soft and manageable while providing protection from the elements. It also helps to add volume and definition to your beard, giving it a fuller look.

When should you use beard balm?

Balm should be used after showering or washing your face when your skin is still damp. This will help lock in moisture and ensure that the ingredients in the balm are absorbed into your skin and facial hair. You can also use it throughout the day if needed for extra hold or shine.

Should I use beard balm everyday?

It’s not necessary to use balm every day; however, using it regularly will help keep your facial hair looking its best. If you have an especially dry or unruly beard, you may want to apply it daily or every other day for optimal results.

Is beard oil or balm better?

Both products have their own unique benefits; however, they can also be used together for maximum effect. Beard oil is great for moisturizing the skin underneath your facial hair while also adding shine and softness to the hairs themselves. Balm provides additional hold and control over unruly hairs while helping to shape them into place.

Should I use beard oil and balm?

Using both products together can give you great results! Start by applying a few drops of oil onto your fingertips before massaging it into your skin beneath the facial hair. Then apply some of the balm onto your hands before working it through your beard in an upward motion until all of the hairs are evenly coated with product.

What’s better for a short beard oil or balm?

For shorter beards, either product can be used depending on what kind of look you’re going for – either more control with a wax-based product like pomade or more shine with an oil-based product like Beard Oil & Balms from Uppercut Deluxe . Both products will help condition and soften short beards while providing hold so that they stay in place all day long!

Is beard wax or balm better?

It really depends on what kind of look you’re going for – if you want more control over unruly hairs then wax is probably better suited since it provides stronger hold than most other styling products including Beard Balms from Uppercut Deluxe . However if you’re looking for something that will add shine without weighing down shorter beards then Beard Balms might be a better choice since they contain natural oils which provide hydration without compromising on style!


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